Monday, September 12, 2005

In Solidarity With Other Christians

In Solidarity With Other Christians

The lesson for this next Sunday for the Koinonia class at Calvary Baptist Church in Denver has its focus as: “To discern ways of living in solidarity within the Christian community”.

The basic idea, taken from Philippians chapter 1, is that there is solidarity between Paul (in a Roman prison) and the church at Philippi (which was experiencing some persecution, but was in a much better situation than Paul).

One application of the lesson is that Christians today are in a hostile and decadent environment just as Paul and the Philippians were, so we too can experience joy by standing together and supporting one another.

What a timely lesson. With thousands of people and possibly hundreds of churches affected by Hurricane Katrina, we can glorify God and minister to fellow Christians by pairing church with church. Yes, we can give personally. Many, including Lindsey and me, have given through the Salvation Army or Red Cross. However, that’s not going to rebuild a church that lost its building to winds or flood and much of its financial support when members lost their jobs.

I’ve seen other bloggers with links and lists of churches of their denomination in Louisiana and Mississippi that need help. American Baptist churches can do the same thing. It’s not likely that the Baptist churches in Louisiana and Mississippi will be American Baptist, but we can experience solidarity with Southern Baptists, National Baptists, and others in the Baptist family. What a witness for unity within diversity that would be!

We often hear the phrase, “We celebrate diversity”. I think a more Christ-like spirit is to honor diversity, but celebrate unity. Let’s see what we can do in solidarity with our Baptist brothers and sisters in distress. Any ideas?

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