Sunday, March 19, 2006

Conversion A Death Sentence

This is a reference to the persecution of a Christian in Afghanistan. I’ve linked it to Michelle Malkin’s blog because of her extended remarks, “What do Afghan President Hamid Karzai and President Bush have to say about the monstrous possibility that Rahman may be executed for professing faith in Jesus Christ and possessing a Bible? So far, nothing.”

Regardless of one’s political beliefs or stance on the war against terrorists, we Christians have to stand up for fellow believers who are persecuted for their faith.

Any religion that imposes its religious laws on a country and demands full obedience from all citizens upon a penalty of death is not a religion of peace. It should not be a mortal sin for a person to worship (or refuse to worship) God as God is perceived by those in power.

We hear a lot about “speaking truth to power”. This is the time to do so. Whether the “power” is the Bush administration, the Karzai administration in Afghanistan, or Islamist radicals who desire to impose Shariah law on every country, killing someone for rejecting a religion is wrong. It must be opposed now, or we may find our own freedom of religion so perverted someday.

Let me modify that last statement—It must be opposed now because it is evil. Regardless of what might happen in the future, this is a present evil that must be fought.

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