Sunday, May 28, 2006

Jesus and Salvation series - part 4

The Foundation Being Laid

How would you approach a subject like “Is Jesus The Only Savior?” if you were writing such a book?

Would you start by appealing to scripture? Come up with a list of reasons why you think Jesus is the only savior? Then compare Jesus with the founders of other religions, and of course they would compare negatively, right? That might make you feel good, but it would repel those you want to try to convince. Edwards takes a different approach.

The study this summer is about to go in a direction that will seem foreign to many. Edwards saw the need to lay down a foundation that will support the structure of evidence that will eventually answer his question. The foundation may seem strange and may raise some questions like: Where is he going with this? Why did he go off on this tangent? and How will this help answer my questions about talking with others about Jesus as the Savior?

As you saw in the outline of the book listed in Part 2, the foundation includes such subjects as the Quest for the Historical Jesus, The Jesus Seminar, the reliability of the New Testament, and Postmodernism. If these subjects are new to you, it may be quite a ride, but in the end it will be worth it. You will have a stronger foundation yourself.

The culture in which we live is not likely to become friendlier to Christianity soon. Moral relativism, multiculturalism, and instant worldwide communications that put us in contact with people of all backgrounds will tempt us all to either retreat to the safety of the church building or let go and float with the current. Whether you think of Edwards’ material as a foundation or as an anchor to hold you against a strong current, it will be important background material for the later chapters. Enjoy!

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