Thursday, December 15, 2011

Journey Into The Unknown part 4

As more people hear that I am leaving my current church, some of them have sent messsages encouraging me--most just encouraging me on my journey, a few encouraging me to reconsider my decision to leave. The latter would like to see me and other conservatives stay and try to change things from the inside.

A friend I had lunch with today shared some germane advice his father gave him years ago about staying in a place to make a change from the inside: "To make a change in the status quo, there has to already be a climate of change or you have to create one."  The status quo in the church was just changed to something I don't agree with; and since the vote was so lopsided, there is not a climate to change it back to the status quo ante.  And, it's not my place to try to create one.

I do appreciate those who have encouraged me to stay. I value their friendship and I respect their decision to stay and work from the inside.

I also appreciate those who have encouraged me as I go, wishing me well and understanding that each person's decision is personal. I know some of the reasons that others have who are staying even though they agree with me on the issues. There aren't any simple choices here. Each person's decision is personal.

Yesterday was my last time to meet with the adult Sunday School class I've been teaching. It was not easy to leave them. I pray they will find just the right teacher for that class. Whoever it is, I know the class will be supportive and will help the teacher to grow--they've done that for me, and I thank God for them all.

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